Sarah Jakes Roberts

Sarah Jakes Roberts Removes Wig While Preaching, Says God’s Word is More Valuable Than Looks

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T.D. Jakes’ daughter, Sarah Jakes Roberts, went viral Memorial Day weekend after she ripped her wig off mid-sermon while speaking at Potter’s House Church in Dallas, Texas, on Sunday.

At the start of Roberts’ May 28 sermon, she’s seen dressed in a vibrant, colorful dress and pink jacket and a wig of straight black hair tied back in a high ponytail.

As the 34-year-old shared a message about staying “locked in” with God, her wig unexpectedly slid back on her head.

Instead of shying away from her wig mishap, Roberts removed her wig and used the incident as an opportunity to share with the crowd how obedience to God is more valuable than outer appearance.

“I don’t care. Y’all don’t think this is my hair? Do you? I really don’t care because none of this is really necessary. Because I recognize what is really necessary if the wigs stay on or not. If the shoes stay on or not. I know what I’m really here for. I understand that I came in to lock in on something,” Roberts said.

“You can make the memes and make the videos. One thing I know for sure is being locked in on a word. And if this is a distraction, then let it fall off. Because at the end of the day, I believe that I am called to bring a breakthrough in this room. And if I’m in the way of the breakthrough, then move me out of the way.”

Roberts told the crowd that what she wants more than anything is for there to be miracles breaking out and “if miracles are going to break out, then let a wig fall off.”

“Y’all think I need this? I don’t need this. I do it because it makes me look good. But at the end of the day, I know what’s good. I know that if He goes before me, I know that if His Spirit breathes in this room — I came for power; I came for breakthrough; I came so somebody could get healed,” Roberts said.

“I came so somebody could experience the wonderful working power of God. I heard that God is still performing miracles. So, I asked God to let me be a part of it. I don’t care if I have to be embarrassed. If you get the glory at the end of the day, then don’t let it fool you,” she continued.

“The worst that you can do is make it about you when God is trying to use you. When you make it about you when God is trying to use you, you’ll miss the moment when glory can come through you.”

Roberts said appearances shouldn’t be more important than allowing God’s work to be fulfilled in the life of a Christian.

“Wait a minute. When we’ve been in a fight before, do we or do we not have to let a few things snatch off so that we can show up? At the end of the day, I’m about it for real. I don’t care what it takes. I have to make it to the other side,” she added.

“Do you think the woman with the issue with blood cared about her hair? Do you think the woman with the issue with blood cared what she looked like? Alright, I’m about to take it off,” Roberts continued as she ripped her wig off, causing the crowd to erupt into cheering and clapping.

Roberts told the crowd that obeying God isn’t always going to be “cute” or “pretty.”

“I don’t care what they say about me. I care that God gets the glory. … Paul didn’t mind doing what it took in order to be who God needed him to be at any given moment,” Roberts said, referring to the Apostle Paul from Scripture.

“Paul made it look so easy that the priests, the Jewish priests thought, ‘I can just do what he did. I can just say what he said and then it’ll have the same results.’ But they didn’t have his revelation. So they could not have his results,” she added.

“The power of the revelation of who you are to be on the Earth requires that you embody it with such trust that you don’t care what it looks like to other people, that you embody it with such confidence that even those who knew one version of you … have to get used to this new version of you.”



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Sampson Annan

Content Creator: GospelEmpireGh @gospelempiregh | Founder: Gospel Empire Ministries (GEM) | Call/WhatsApp: +233558856705 | [email protected] | GospelEmpireGh.Com

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